Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Lululemon upload 11/5

Oh, my, how can I be typing November already?

Yesterday, I went in and subbed for four hours, so no workout in the morning. Except of course, being on my feet for four hours and walking up and down a playground. Thanks to the Red Sox winning, Dunkin Donuts had a free coffee day (as long as you had the app, I think) and that was enough caffeine to get me to power yoga last night. It was lovely as it was dark out and quiet (but cold). We did a zillion hip openers, which I love, because although my hamstrings are very flexible, my hips are tight, tight, and tighter. I really need to stretch better after my weight and cardio workouts. I downloaded a page on pinterest that had a bunch of stretches that seemed designed just for me. I have to remember to use it and TAKE THE TIME!

The Lululemon upload is somewhat tempting. I know I will be near a store later this week, so I'm not going to order anything online just yet. But, something of the things that I liked:

Skinny groove pant full on luon.  This is a cross between the two most flattering pants for me, so it seems like a no brainer. Of course, I don't need another pair of pants. Has that stopped me in the past?

Yeah Yeah Yoga Tank. Definitely have to try this one on because it could be very low in the back and I don't know about support with those straps. That could be a problem.  It looks very good from the front, though. And on that perfect model it looks perfect. I'm all over that raspberry color, though.

Enfold Wrap.  Got you there. Looks like extra sleeping bag material. No, no, no.

Power Y Tank Luon. There is a fun pink striped one. I wonder why they don't carry these in the store?

Yeah Yeah Yoga Crop. I am all set with what I have but the pattern is interesting. Hope to see it on more.

Open Your Heart Long Sleeve. This could be really perfect, but it looks like it may have a very open neck, as the picture shows a layer underneath (the white?).  I'm also not entirely sure what the fabric is. Sometimes all this lingo gets a little confusing (especially since my phone rang very early this morning and woke me up much earlier than I am used to and I'm a little on the tired side. As usual!)

Calm and Cozy Pant. Yeah, drawstrings at the bottom for those of us who aren't giants! Have to see how it lays though when it is cinched.

If you try any of these on, let me know!

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