Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Last post of 2013! Happy New Year!

Oh! How can this be? It feels like last New Year's Eve was just yesterday! I'm not ready to start writing 2013! And I am definitely not ready for all the weight loss and fitness commercials that are going to be airing nonstop.

I'm off to the gym and I am guessing it is going to be brutal. Yesterday was a lazy day (it took a long time to get rid of that headache) and it was spent on my couch reading and watching Blacklist. I'm only on episode 2, but except for it feeling a little bit like Silence of the Lambs, I like it. Remember when James Spader was in Pretty in Pink? Anyway, it will feel good to get moving and sweating! Yeah, that is me psyching myself up a little bit!

I have pictures of me in my Lululemon energy bra, black ruffled CRB and groove crops, but I took one look at the photos and immediately changed into something a little looser. I just couldn't do it. So, I'm in an old Lulu tank that I'm sure you have seen plenty in photos. That is why the Track tee looks appealing- it doesn't seem to be tight like a bathing suit!

So far, I have been eating very well. Is that stomach gone yet? It definitely pays to have lunches already made for the times that I get hungry and lazy. I have a new snack sitting in my fridge that I found in that same issue of Self, so I will let you know if it is any good. My kids have been busy eating with friends so I haven't had to cook gigantic meals that are going to throw me off. We are going out to eat tomorrow, and I am so looking forward to it. 

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