Rest Day and Cleaning Day. So really not a rest day!
My house is so dirty that I am definitely getting a workout cleaning and SCRUBBING. I hope this picture works, because it really made me laugh. I am trying very hard to come up with a schedule that I can stick to. I thought I would have the cleanest house once I stopped working, but thanks to our new four-legged friend, that just isn't happening. So since today is a rest day for me, I thought I would tackle some of the bigger jobs. The thing about cleaning is... it just gets dirty again!

I'm hoping that tonight's Lululemon upload will include more of the 105 singlet. I don't think they have made it into any stores yet, and I"m not sure why. I'm anxiously awaiting my ruffle up forme jacket, although I have so much black, I'm not sure how I can justify this. I think it will be here Wednesday or Thursday. I'm still thinking Mat! The blue is gorgeous. I'm going to try to get to Power Yoga twice this week so I'll keep that in mind during downward dog. I think I am going to stay away from any pants, since I don't usually wear them to the gym, as long as I can pull my uggs up over my bare skin. I can't believe I just typed something to do with boots and snow and winter, but it is pretty chilly in my house right now, even though the forecast is warmer for the afternoon. Maybe the wunder under crops will come out with a new waistband, since that last color didn't do it for me. Although really, who sees the waistband anyway. I did see on a new bangbuster, and that might be hard for me to ignore. We'll see.
Wish I were running right now, but I'm trying to be good and let this hip flexor or inner thigh or groin injury heal. Whatever it is, it is I am frustrated! I'm smelling like windex instead of sweat. Which is worse?..... Which is worse, running past a restaurant that smells like fried onions or a truck's exhaust?
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