Friday, January 31, 2014

Ouch! Ouch! Ouch!

My legs are shot! I think I am only going upstairs to go to bed tonight. Forget showering or changing, I think I will stay on the ground floor of my house all day.

But I went to Blast anyway. Yay me.

There were a few of us who went to tabata yesterday and because we like to be tortured, we came to class this morning. You could see us all grimacing during lunges, squats, fast feet and the long jump. I didn't even do the long jump - between my knee and sore quads and glutes, I didn't want to risk it. It was a fun class and a good workout.

The instructor yesterday said something that really struck me and it isn't something that we all don't know. She basically said here (at the gym) were are building up our muscles, but the harder job is in the kitchen. That is really where the work is and what makes a difference. If you ask me, it is easier to go workout. So, on that note, I am going to make a couple of smoothies to keep in the fridge now. I love the ones, especially pineapple, from  This is the link:

There are also lots of overnight oats recipes.

I wore my black, of course, Lululemon ruffle CRB, energy bra and wunder under crops (it is supposed to go above 30 today, although I will believe it when I see it). I swear, this black hyperstripe energy bra kills me! I keep holding it up to other energy bras and I think it runs small. Is it my fault for assuming that sizing would be constant before I cut the tags? I am not sure I can wear it and that pisses me off to no end!  A good waste of money on something that should be a no brainer. I don't have this issue with any other energy bras. Has anyone else come across this? So frustrated!

I actually blew my hair dry yesterday and wore it down! I used Living Proof NO frizz and I think it really made a difference. Usually my hair curls up right away. I have that whole Jennifer Aniston thing going, don't you think! And on that silly note, I will leave you to go make smoothies. What are you cooking today? 

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