Friday, October 18, 2013

Power yoga and new sneakers.

I am very sore from yesterday's barre class and I am so happy! How sad is that? Happy- sad - happy- yes hormones are haywire.  Boy, do those 3 lb weights get heavy fast. It felt like I was lifting 15 lbs!

So it is time for me to find new sneakers. I have been wearing a pair of Reebok realflex transition for a few months now and I like them, but....I think I need more cushioning. As someone with flat feet, no arches and had bunion surgery, this trend toward minimalist shoes is killing me. Any advice? I want lots of cushioning! lots! Plus I have to get my orthotics in them and that is a challenge. Have I said lots of cushioning? I am going to hit some of the stores this weekend.

Today I'm off to yoga and I hope my arms aren't too tired to hold a downward dog! By the way, I think I told you (or y'all, as my son would now say) that I broke down and purchased The Mat from Lululemon. I love it! Yes, it stinks and even after airing it out for a long time, sometimes when I unroll it in class it still smells for a moment or too, but I don't slip at all. AT ALL. And there is a little bit of cushioning for my sometimes sore wrists. That is a huge pro in my book. It does get dirty, though. I got the black and have yet to clean it. Any thoughts on what to use? The "educator" at the store told me she takes her mat in the shower with her. Uh, really?

I am wearing my black LUON (love) power y and I know these are still available online. I wish they came in more colors and patterns. I am still on the fence about the luon light one I have sitting in my room. This thick luon is so flattering and compressive. And of course, my groove crops. The last three pictures are of the heart opener tank on top of the power y. As you can see, the straps just don't lay right on me. I don't know if they need to be wider or I should have sized down, but I think this will go on ebay soon. It is hard to tell from the photo, but it is the grey one.

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